Emergency Numbers
+27 (0)82 783 3374 (Gauteng/National)
+27 (0)74 7392148 (Western Cape)

Frequently Asked Questions

General FAQ's

Who can adopt?

  • People believing that children belong in families and are willing to accept and commit to a child unconditionally.
  • Married couples, single applicants, step-parents, family members and foster parents over the age of 18 with South African citizenship.
  • Children need stable parents who are able to address their emotional, physical and financial needs. This means physical and emotional healthy parents with a good life expectancy.
  • Parents having realistic adoption preferences in line with the profile of children in the system.

Which children are available for adoption?

  • The purpose of adoption is to find a family for a vulnerable child in need of permanency – not finding children for parents.
  • A legal assessment has to be completed by a social worker to ensure there are no options in the biological family.
  • Referrals of children in need are a reflection of the South African reality and are therefor predominately black South African children.
  • Children ready for matching is mostly between 6 and 18 months old with a few older children under the age of 6.
  • Health status vary from healthy to minor and severe special needs.

What is the process and timeframe to adopt?

  • You can discuss your preferences and wishes and we will give you realistic feedback and insight and after orientation you can make an informed decision.
  • The next step is a psychosocial assessment which can take up to 6 months – this also entail medical assessments and checking that you have not been convicted from any sexual related assault.
  • A compulsory preparation workshop will equip you with knowledge, insight and parental guidance.
  • You are now ready to go on the waiting list – ready to be matched should there be child who’s best interest will be served in your unique family. Your child will be legally available and also have a full medical record.
  • The special and long awaited phone call…..receiving a child proposal with legal and medical record as well as photos. You can now make an informed decision with the support of your social worker.
  • Placement will be arranged once all legal requirements have been met – your baby might be between 6 and 9 months at this stage.
  • Legal finalization and registration – now it is your child as if born from you!

adoption triad

What does it cost?

  • The charge of a reasonable fee is mandated by the Act and in absence of full subsidy from government. A specialist adoption social worker will spend many hours on therapeutic sessions, court attendance, and administration and after care which is calculated in a basic professional fee.
  • An income based sliding scale is applied to national adoption applicants, depending on subsidy received in the province and region. This will be discussed in your orientation session.
  • We want to assure you that we will take your financial position into consideration and not deny a child a family due to your ability to make a contribution towards the service.

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